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Monsters & Metaphors Made Flesh  

Monsters & Metaphors Made Flesh  

On the Monster in Western Society The word monster, coming from the Latin root monstrum, meaning a divine omen or a portent, first makes its appearance (to my knowledge) in the written English language in Chaucer’s Monk’s Tale,   “Was neuere wight sith that this...
Poetry is about feeling  

Poetry is about feeling  

I’m going to ask for a little bit more of your time for this one, because I’d like you sit through a couple of videos. And if you can’t, you’re not going to get very much out of this blog. In which case, I’d like you to skip it.   I want to ask you to feel...
On the Shoulders of Giants: When Metaphor Isn’t Metaphor 

On the Shoulders of Giants: When Metaphor Isn’t Metaphor 

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”   Everyone knows this quote. The thing is, it’s difficult to say if it means what you think it means. Sure, Isaac Newton, was referring to his teachers and the philosophers whom he...